
Licensees: publicans Chris Walsh and Beccy Keddie are dealing with extra costs

Rising costs hurting small pub businesses

By Gary Lloyd

Improving trade but ever-escalating bills is an issue several pubs are experiencing three years after sites were allowed to start serving again after the pandemic forced the on-trade to close its doors.

Demand for parity: SIBA CEO Andy Slee says investors and Government are not listening to the sector


OPINION: How are we viewed by the outside world?

By Andy Slee, chief executive, Society of Independent Brewers & Associates (SIBA)

I recently took a call from a broadsheet journalist wanting to do a piece on “Why all breweries are closing and why cask beer is dead?”

Overcome challenges: NTIA CEO Michael Kill says collaboration is key to addressing late-night economy issues


OPINION: Early closing taking a toll on night-time economy

By Michael Kill, CEO, Night-TIme Industries Association (NTIA)

The current economic environment is steering businesses, particularly pubs, to close earlier, sparking concerns about the future of the night-time economy.

What's in the news 22 March?

Review of the Week

'We do it for love, it's certainly not for the money'

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington met up with award winning publican and campaigner Emma Gibbon of the Plough and the Hewlett Arms to get her take on the week's news, from falling inflation to pub closures.

Responses made on Martyn's Law: Emma McClarkin and Kate Nicholls

Trade bodies back changes to Martyn’s Law

By Gary Lloyd

Trade bodies have given their backing to the Government’s revised changes to Martyn’s Law, which will require businesses to increase their readiness to act should there be a terrorist attack.

What's in the news 15 March

Review of the Week

‘Confidence is starting to rise’

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington caught up with the BII's Steve Alton to get his take on the week's news, ahead of his epic trip to Kenya for Pedalling 4 Pubs.

Freeze ends: Chancellor Jeremy Hunt (fourth from left) has taken no action on business rates (credit: UK Parliament/Maria Unger)


Business rates to go up as freeze ends

By Gary Lloyd

Despite the hospitality sector’s calls for a reduced business rates burden in the Spring Budget, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s lack of action on the subject means companies in England will endure a combined tax hike of £1.66bn from 1 April.

Rally call: NTIA CEO Michael Kill has called for action on VAT from Chancellor Jeremy Hunt (right)

NTIA: 5,000+ call for VAT reduction to 12.5%

By Gary Lloyd

Calls for the Government to slash VAT down to 12.5% from its current 20% level in the Spring Budget have poured into MPs’ offices, according to the Night-Time Industries Association (NTIA).

Call to action: the open letter has been signed by a number of hospitality leaders (image: Getty/ilkercelik)

Bosses call for help at Budget

By Nikkie Thatcher

A number of hospitality CEOs have written to the Chancellor, urging him to take immediate action at the Budget next week (Wednesday 6 March).

Single focus: Tim Bird wants a VAT reduction on food and soft drinks


Are we asking the Government for too much?

By Tim Bird, owner of Cheshire Cat Pubs & Inns

The new year is now well under way in the hospitality business and with it I always feel an air of optimism.

Pubs need help: hospitality leaders have written to the Government (credit: Getty/miodrag ignjatovic)

BBPA members demand help ahead of Budget

By Gary Lloyd

Leaders of more than 80 of the UK’s pub companies and breweries – who are members of the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) – have written to the Chancellor to demand action at next month’s Budget on VAT, business rates and beer duty.

What's in the news 9 February


‘VAT cut would allow us to pay staff more’

By Gary Lloyd

The Morning Advertiser’s associate features editor Gary Lloyd caught up with Banwell House Pub Company managing director Toby Brett to get his take on the week's news, what he wants from the Spring Budget and gives a prediction for England v Wales...

Squeezed margins: importance of pubs getting lost in sea of rising costs (Clive Price pictured far right with one of the pubco's teams)

'Crucial role of pubs getting lost'

By Rebecca Weller

The “crucial role” pubs play in communities is getting lost in a sea of squeezed margins and undervaluation, Barons Pub Company managing director Clive Price told The Morning Advertiser.

No money for margin or investment: Kate Nicholls says Government demands are leaving the sector in dire straits

Kate Nicholls: Cost of doing business is too high

By Gary Lloyd

With the Spring Budget approaching, UKHospitality (UKH) chief executive Kate Nicholls has told the Government “the cost of doing business is just too high” and steps must be taken.

What's in the news 2 February?

'I'm flabbergasted at interest rates'

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington caught up with Camerons boss Chris Soley to get his take on the week's news, from government debate to interest rates and pub closures.

Outlook for 2024: Scottish venues experienced a poor new year according to SLTA MD Colin Wilkinson

SLTA ‘deeply concerned’ over state of hospitality in Scotland

By Gary Lloyd

Three out of four Scottish hospitality operators will need government support to survive this year while 96% say the Scottish government is out of touch with business community, according to the SLTA (Scottish Licensed Trade Association).

Positive step: UKH welcomes measures to ban drip pricing (Credit: Getty/istankov)

UKH welcomes measures to ban drip pricing

By Rebecca Weller

UKHospitality (UKH) has welcomed new Government legislation banning drip pricing as “important features” to help pubs with rooms are excluded from the bill.

Right thing to do: WSTA calls for duty cut in Spring Budget (Credit: Getty/Carlo Prearo)

WSTA: 'duty cut would offer much-needed boost'

By Rebecca Weller

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has called on the Chancellor to cut wine and spirit duty to combat both falling sales volumes and reduced revenue to the Exchequer ahead of the Spring Budget in March.

What's in the news 5 January?

Review of the Week

'We need to go to war on VAT'

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington met up with Oakman Group's Peter Borg-Neal to get his take on the week's news, from a knighthood for Sir Tim through to closures and Christmas trade.

De minimis nonsense: operators brand the introduction of pints of wine in pubs as

Pint of wine sales 'distraction from real issues'

By Rebecca Weller

Operators across the sector have branded the concept of selling pints of wine in the on-trade as a “peculiar distraction” from more pressing issues and an attempt to “scrape” some “benefit” to Brexit.

Message for Government: JW Lees' MD William Lees-Jones says the Government must look at what it can do to help the sector

JW Lees reports record turnover of £88m

By Gary Lloyd

Manchester-based brewer JW Lees has reported record turnover for the year to 31 March 2023 with revenue at £88m (up £13m (16%) on the previous year).

How has the pub sector fared in 2023?

Farewell 2023, here's to 2024

By Ed Bedington

There's a strange feeling of deja vu as I sit down to write my thoughts on the year and hopes for the year ahead.

What will 2024 hold for pubs part two

New Year 2024

Industry hopes and fears: part two

By Ed Bedington

In the second part of our look ahead we spoke to a number of leading industry figures to get their thoughts on what 2024 will hold.

What's in the news December 15?

Review of the Week

'We have a vital role'

By Ed Bedington

The Morning Advertiser's Ed Bedington caught up with Frederic Robinson's William Robinson to hear his thoughts on the week, from Christmas trade to changing of the political guard.

What's in the news 1 December

Review of the Week

Better Government leadership needed

By Ed Bedington

The MA's Ed Bedington caught up with Fuller's CEO Simon Emeny to get his take on the week's events, from the Covid Inquiry to the death of a footballing icon.

Autumn Statement 2023: operators share their thoughts on the Government's fiscal plans (Credit: Getty/sturti)

Sector 'deserved better' in Autumn Statement

By Rebecca Weller

In the wake of the Autumn Statement, The Morning Advertiser spoke to operators from across the sector to get on the ground thoughts on the announcement.