Blue Screen Errors
Having problems with Blue Screen Errors? If so, you've come to the right place. Our comprehensive Error Troubleshooting Directory contains detailed instructions on how you can quickly troubleshoot your computer problems.

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Notoriously known as the ‘Blue Screen of Death’, this is a system error that occurs after a system crash. If the computer shows this error, it signifies that it was no longer able to carry out its operations in a safe manner. This inability can either be the result of a terminated process that was integral in safe operations of your PC or the result of a hardware failure.
What happens during a Blue Screen error?
Once the computer realizes that normal operation cannot be continued, it dumps all the relevant information about the error into a dump file. This file can later be used to diagnose the issues with your computer and find a suitable solution.

How do I solve the problem?
More often than not, simply allowing the computer to crash and waiting for it to restart will solve the problem. If it was a software issue, chances are a simple restart would bring that process back to its original state. If it was a hardware issue, you might face the error again, in which case you may have to immediately diagnose and solve the problem.
While the blue screen varies according to the version of your windows, it gives you certain information about the reasons for the crash. The error may be descriptive like CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED or be in the form of a hexadecimal code, such as 0x000000D1. Recent Windows Operating systems would automatically diagnose and solve the problem after a restart. However, you can always head to the Control Panel -> Security and Maintenance to check for possible solutions yourself.