How To Fix Class_ss.dll Not Found (Missing) Errors

The root causes of DLL errors associated with class_ss.dll include a missing or corrupt MSDN Disc 1755 DLL file, or in some cases, a malware infection. Replacing your DLL file is generally a solution to fixing these issues. After the problem file is replaced, running a registry scan can help clean up any invalid class_ss.dll, file extension, or other file path references which could have been affected from a previous malware infection.

System Files that are the Dynamic Link Library format typically carry the DLL file suffix. See the table below for a list of class_ss.dll files we have available for download for most Windows versions (also including -). Not all versions of class_ss.dll may be available for download, but you can request a file by clicking the "Request" button below. Additionally, Microsoft can also be a source of some rare files which we do not have in our directory.

Placing the newly-downloaded class_ss.dll file in the right directory (where the original file resides) will most likely resolve the issue, but you should test to make sure. Confirm that the error is resolved by attempting to open MSDN Disc 1755 and / or conducting the operation that triggers the issue.

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Class_ss.dll File Summary
File Extension: DLL
Function: MSDN Library
Latest Software: MSDN Disc 1755
Ver: August 2002
Company: Microsoft
File Name: class_ss.dll  
Size (Bytes): 435712
SHA-1: f5cab6715bdb0176d385f5a8d0aaf53502cca472
MD5: 6782044e1dbeabadd38651a734894481
CRC32: c1c7cba5



Select OS Version



Windows 10MSDN Disc 1755

Name ID KB Download
- class_ss.dll 6782044e1dbeabadd38651a734894481 425.50 KB
App MSDN Disc 1755 August 2002
Programmer Microsoft
OS Version Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 435712
MD5 6782044e1dbeabadd38651a734894481
SHA1 f5cab6715bdb0176d385f5a8d0aaf53502cca472
CRC32: c1c7cba5
File Location C:\Windows\System32\

Common Class_ss.dll Issues

MSDN Disc 1755 Complications with class_ss.dll Comprise Of:

Usually class_ss.dll errors with MSDN Disc 1755 happen during startup or shutdown, while class_ss.dll related applications are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. When seeing the class_ss.dll error, please record occurrences to troubleshoot MSDN Disc 1755, and to help Microsoft find the cause.

Causes of Class_ss.dll Errors

Typically, class_ss.dll problems attribute to a corrupt / missing class_ss.dll. Commonly, MSDN Disc 1755 problems happen due to class_ss.dll being an externally-sourced file.

class_ss.dll corruption or malware-infected MSDN Disc 1755, along with abnormal PC shutdowns, can lead to class_ss.dll errors. MSDN Disc 1755 then can't load with class_ss.dll being corrupted, causing the class_ss.dll-related errors.

In rare occasions, class_ss.dll errors with MSDN Disc 1755 are due to Windows registry faults. These class_ss.dll registry problems are due to broken MSDN Disc 1755 file references. Broken keys can be caused by a missing class_ss.dll, moved class_ss.dll, or an errant file path reference from unsuccessful install (or uninstall) of MSDN Disc 1755.

More specifically, these class_ss.dll errors can be caused by:

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