How Do I Fix E1R6332.sys Bluescreen (BSOD) Errors?
Typically, e1R6332.sys errors manfest as a blue screen error (BSOD) and are caused by attempting to load a corrupt or missing Resource Media device drivers, or having defective hardware associated with the driver. As a first troubleshootiong step, most PC professionals will attempt to replace the applicable version of the SYS file. Additionally, some e1R6332.sys driver-related errors can be due to incompatible device drivers, so we recommend conducting a driver update scan to identify any outdated or incorrect drivers.
System Files that employ the SYS file extension are also known as the Windows System File format. You can download a fresh copy of your e1R6332.sys for %%os%% (and several Windows operating systems) in the table listed below. In some cases, certain versions of e1R6332.sys may not currently be in our database, but they can be requested by clicking "Request" below. In the rare scenario that you cannot find your file version below, we recommend contacting Dell for more help.
Please take caution in ensuring the file is placed in the correct file directory. Following these instructions carefully should resolve your e1R6332.sys error, but we recommend running a brief check. Re-open and test Resource Media to see if the issue has been successfully solved.
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E1R6332.sys File Summary | |
File Extension: | SYS |
Function: | Drivers,Utilities and Drivers |
Software: | Resource Media |
Release Version: | 2014 |
Company: | Dell |
Name: | e1R6332.sys |
Size: | 386824 |
SHA-1: | 75e31e77513f59fe6ab232587a210be445f0813c |
MD5: | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 |
CRC32: | 1dee55fb |
Article ID: 601580
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Name | ID | Size | Download | ||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ e1R6332.sys | 9d596e6f25e239002e409a4126046e63 | 377.76 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
E1R6332.sys Errors
Typically, BSODs or Blue Screen of Death errors associated with e1R6332.sys include:
- "Windows has shutdown to stop damage to PC caused by e1R6332.sys."
- ":( Your PC ran into a problem with e1R6332.sys and needs to restart now."
- "STOP 0x000000D1: IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL – e1R6332.sys"
- 0x0000001E STOP: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED – e1R6332.sys
- "STOP 0×00000050: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA – e1R6332.sys"
In most cases, you will experience e1R6332.sys blue screen errors after you’ve installed new hardware or software. Commonly, e1R6332.sys errors are seen during the Resource Media-related hardware or software install process, while a Dell-related driver is loaded, or during Windows shutdown or startup. Recording Blue Screen e1R6332.sys errors associated with Resource Media is crucial to locating faults and relaying back to Dell for repair options.
E1R6332.sys Issue Origins
Blue Screen e1R6332.sys errors are often caused by related hardware, software, device driver, or firmware problems. These could be related to either Resource Media software or Dell hardware, but it is not necessarily the case.
In particular, these e1R6332.sys issues originate through:
- Poorly configured, outdated, or corrupted device drivers (e1R6332.sys).
- Corruption in Windows registry from a recent e1R6332.sys-related software change (install or uninstall).
- Malware has infected e1R6332.sys (or related Resource Media), creating corruption and e1R6332.sys errors.
- Conflict of hardware related to install of Dell hardware or e1R6332.sys.
- Install of Resource Media or device drivers (e1R6332.sys) causing removal or damage.
- STOP error (e1R6332.sys) from corrupt hard disk.
- Corrupt RAM / Memory from e1R6332.sys Blue Screen of Death.
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