How To Fix INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY Blue Screen Errors (0x0000007D)

ExError Number:Error 0x7D
Error Description:The INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY bug check has a value of 0x0000007D. This bug check indicates that there is not enough memory to start up the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Developer:Microsoft Corporation
Software:Windows Operating System
Applies to:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

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Most 0x0000007D "blue screen of death" (BSOD) errors are the result of defective hardware, missing / corrupt Windows 10 drivers, or corrupt kernel mode drivers. A large percentage of these file issues can be resolved with downloading and installing the latest version of your 0x7D file.

Common INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY Error Messages

BSOD errors, short for "Blue Screen of Death", usually caused by INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY include:

  • "A problem with INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY detected. Windows shut down to prevent damage."
  • ":( Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some info, and then we’ll restart for you. If you would like to know more, you can search online later for this error: INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY."

Windows-related hardware or software installations can cause INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY BSOD errors. Windows-related INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY errors often happen during the install of a INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY-related software, during Windows shutdown or startup, or while a Microsoft Corporation-related device driver is being loaded. Recording Blue Screen INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY errors associated with Windows is crucial to locating faults and relaying back to Microsoft Corporation for repair options.


INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY-related Blue Screen of Death errors are caused by associated software, hardware, firmware, or device driver issues. These could be related to either Windows software or Microsoft Corporation hardware, but it is not necessarily the case.

Precisely, INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY errors stem from:

  • Poorly configured, outdated, or corrupted device drivers (INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY).
  • INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY entry invalid or corrupt registry entry associated with INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY and Windows.
  • Corrupt and/or virus-contaminated INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY.
  • Hardware conflict involving Microsoft Corporation hardware, affecting INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY.
  • Damage or removal of system files (eg. INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY) after failed install of Windows or device drivers.
  • INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY BSOD stemming from hard disk damage.
  • INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY STOP error created from RAM memory corruption.

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