How To Fix PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll Not Found Errors [SOLVED]
In most cases, PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll DLL file problems are due to the file missing or being corrupted (by malware / virus) in the Windows Server 2012 Datacenter file store. As a first troubleshootiong step, most PC professionals will attempt to replace the applicable version of the DLL file. As a supplemental troubleshooting step, we highly recommend cleaning up any invalid file path and DLL file extension references that could contribute to creating these PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll error messages.
Dynamic Link Library formats, classified as System Files, most often carry the DLL extension. Our collection of PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll files for %%os%% can be found in the listings below. Some PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll files are not currently in our database, but they can be requested by clicking the "Request" button next to the respective file version entry. If you're unable to find your file version in our database below, we recommend reaching out directly to Microsoft.
Even though most problems related to
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PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll File Summary | |
Extension: | DLL |
Function: | Operating System |
Software: | Windows Server 2012 Datacenter |
ID: | 2012 |
Author: | Microsoft |
File: | PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll |
Size (Bytes): | 263680 |
SHA-1: | 4b6ef378fc380210cd647e620ecd81efd15b8550 |
MD5: | f17e6f3b323e80b48237a3c3705d9373 |
CRC32: | 4520e520 |
Article ID: 194909
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File | MD5 Checksum | KB | Download | ||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f17e6f3b323e80b48237a3c3705d9373 | 257.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f18285b609df7e56486a0c5336026f77 | 229.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f17e6f3b323e80b48237a3c3705d9373 | 257.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f18285b609df7e56486a0c5336026f77 | 229.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f17e6f3b323e80b48237a3c3705d9373 | 257.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f18285b609df7e56486a0c5336026f77 | 229.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f17e6f3b323e80b48237a3c3705d9373 | 257.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | f18285b609df7e56486a0c5336026f77 | 229.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | 08c7ed8511ab92485a75f2d1a4dbcbdc | 259.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | b2c604ccf8563a7f8411795bdf21c9c4 | 231.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
+ PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll | b2c604ccf8563a7f8411795bdf21c9c4 | 231.50 KB | |||||||||||||||||||
PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll Errors
PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll Issues Related to Windows Server 2012 Datacenter:
- "PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll not found."
- "PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll is missing."
- "PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll Access Violation."
- "Cannot register PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll."
- "Cannot find C:\Windows\System32\\PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll."
- "Cannot load Windows Server 2012 Datacenter - required PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll file missing. Install Windows Server 2012 Datacenter again."
- "Application failed because PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll not found. Re-installing Windows Server 2012 Datacenter may resolve the problem."
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter-related PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll issues happen during installation, when PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll-related software is running, startup/shutdown, or during the Windows installation process. Keeping track of when and where your PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.
Problem Sources of PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll
Primarily PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll errors due to missing PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll files. Commonly, Windows Server 2012 Datacenter problems happen due to PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll being an externally-sourced file.
Improperly shutting down your PC or getting a virus infection could corrupt the PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll, which could lead to ActiveX errors. File corruption of PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll loads it badly, leading to Windows Server 2012 Datacenter errors.
In rare occasions, PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll errors with Windows Server 2012 Datacenter are due to Windows registry faults. These busted PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll path references cause errors with Windows Server 2012 Datacenter due to improper PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll registering. Moving a PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll, missing PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll files, or bad/leftover file reference from improper Windows Server 2012 Datacenter install/uninstalls cause these to break.
Especially, these PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll errors stem from:
- Invalid PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll (or corrupted) registry key.
- Virus has infected PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll, creating corruption.
- PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll corrupted from hardware malfunction (Microsoft or other).
- Another application installation overwrote correct version of PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll.
- Malicious deletion (or mistaken) of PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll by another software (not Windows Server 2012 Datacenter).
- A different program (unrelated to Windows Server 2012 Datacenter) uninstalled PresentationFramework.AeroLite.ni.dll by mistake (or maliciously).
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