How Do I Fix WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll Errors? [SOLVED]

File corruption, missing, or deleted WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll files can result in Microsoft Windows-related DLL errors. Although annoying, these issues can usually be easily remedied through replacing the problem DLL file. Additionally, some WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll errors can be due to incorrect registry references, so we recommend conducting a registry scan to clean up any invalid entries.

DLL is utilized by the Dynamic Link Library format, which are types of System Files. Our database of WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll file versions for most Windows operating system releases (including %%os%%) can be found for download below. If your exact WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll version is not currently available, please request a copy by hitting the "Request" button next to the file version you need. If you're unable to find your file version in our database below, we recommend reaching out directly to Microsoft Corporation.

Please take caution in ensuring the file is placed in the correct file directory. Following these instructions carefully should resolve your WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll error, but we recommend running a brief check. We recommend re-loading Microsoft Windows to test for the issue.

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WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll File Summary
File Extension: DLL
Application: Microsoft Windows
Version: 15.4.3555.308
Company: Microsoft Corporation
File Name: WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll  
Size: 2937712
SHA-1: f06de6b289199764e4dbbb6a6a3b709bd500e299
MD5: 00b82b19bec32309b5b86a291a4cc0a7



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Filename File ID (MD5 Checksum) File Size Download
+ WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll 00b82b19bec32309b5b86a291a4cc0a7 2.80 MB
Application Microsoft Windows 15.4.3555.308
Developer Microsoft Corporation
Ver Windows Vista
Type 64-bit (x64)
Size (Bytes) 2937712
MD5 Checksum 00b82b19bec32309b5b86a291a4cc0a7
SHA1 Checksum f06de6b289199764e4dbbb6a6a3b709bd500e299
SHA256 Checksum: 05af86d4a39f13c1cb5be565b0cd3e47d02fb997adf200f0fdd191468b133277
Directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery

Classic WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll Problems

Partial List of WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll Microsoft Windows Errors:

WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll DLL errors happen during Microsoft Windows install, while WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll-related programs running (Microsoft Windows), during startup or shutdown, or during installation of Windows OS. Documenting WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll problem occasions in Microsoft Windows is key to determine cause of the problems, and reporting them to Microsoft Corporation.

WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll Issue Origins

A missing WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll file (or corrupted WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll file) is usually the problem source. As an external resource, WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll files have high likelihood of creating Microsoft Windows errors.

WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll corruption or malware-infected Microsoft Windows, along with abnormal PC shutdowns, can lead to WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll errors. When your WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll file becomes corrupt, it cannot be loaded properly and will present an error message.

In other cases, registry problems with WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll can be the source of the Microsoft Windows problem. Damaged WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll file path references to Microsoft Windows prevent proper file loading, creating WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll errors. These broken registry keys can be as a result of a missing DLL file, moved DLL file, or an leftover DLL file reference in your Windows registry from an unsuccessful software installation or uninstallation.

Chiefly, complications of WindowsLivePhotoViewerResources.dll due to:

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