How To Fix Cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll is Missing / Not Found Error Messages
Commonly, corrupt or missing cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll files cause these DLL errors related to Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Obtaining a new, uninfected copy of your DLL file will usually resolve the problem. Also, maintaining a clean and optimized Windows registry can help in preventing invalid DLL file path references, so we highly recommend running a registry scan on a regular basis.
System Files that are the Dynamic Link Library format typically carry the DLL file suffix. We offer several file versions of cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll below for %%os%% and several Windows releases. If we do not have a copy of your cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll version, you can simply hit the "Request" button to request a copy. Worst-case, you can always attempt to contact Kaspersky Lab Ltd if you cannot find the required file version below.
Placing this new cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll file in the same location (overwriting the previous) and your issue should be resolved, but you'll want to check to be sure. To confim it's resolved, try starting up Kaspersky Anti-Virus to see if the error can be triggered.
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Cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll File Summary | |
File Type: | DLL |
Function: | Anti Virus,anti malware,antispyware |
App: | Kaspersky Anti-Virus |
Ver: | |
Company: | Kaspersky Lab Ltd |
File: | cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll |
Size: | 68184 |
SHA-1: | d028e23df7c4a095d9ae1ea678281a6a27921b40 |
MD5: | 9c5f86d95f57de91b7ac082fb4b07914 |
CRC32: |
Article ID: 1024778
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Name | MD5 | File Size | Download | ||||||||||||||||||||
+ cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll | 9c5f86d95f57de91b7ac082fb4b07914 | 66.59 KB | |||||||||||||||||||||
Classic Cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll Problems
Encountered cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll Problems with Kaspersky Anti-Virus Include:
- "Cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll can't be found."
- "Missing cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll."
- "Cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll Access Violation."
- "Can't register cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll."
- "Cannot find %SystemDiskRoot%\Users\KL-AK-94E1144CF8E597\AppData\Local\Temp\kladminkit\cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll."
- "Kaspersky Anti-Virus cannot start, cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll is missing. Please re-install Kaspersky Anti-Virus."
- "This application failed to start because cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
These DLL error messages can appear during program installation, while a cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll-related software program (eg. Kaspersky Anti-Virus) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Recording cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll errors inside Kaspersky Anti-Virus is crucial to locate Anti Virus,anti malware,antispyware faults and relaying back to Kaspersky Lab Ltd for repair options.
Source of Cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll Errors
Corrupted and missing cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll files create most cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll-related errors. As an external resource, cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll files have high likelihood of creating Kaspersky Anti-Virus errors.
Issues with Kaspersky Anti-Virus from irregular OS shutdowns, virus infection, or other cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll-related problems cause corruption. File corruption of cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll loads it badly, leading to Kaspersky Anti-Virus errors.
In rare occasions, cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll errors with Kaspersky Anti-Virus are due to Windows registry faults. Invalid references prevent proper cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll registering, creating problems with Kaspersky Anti-Virus. These broken registry keys can be as a result of a missing DLL file, moved DLL file, or an leftover DLL file reference in your Windows registry from an unsuccessful software installation or uninstallation.
Chiefly, complications of cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll due to:
- cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll entry corrupted or invalid.
- Virus has infected cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll, creating corruption.
- Kaspersky Lab Ltd's (or related) hardware has failed, corrupting cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll.
- Different software install overwrote cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll version needed.
- Another program maliciously or mistakenly deleted the cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll file.
- cd720782-9a53-43d7-9321-c044bf32c468.dll maliciously (or mistakenly) uninstalled by different rogue or valid program.
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