[SOLVED] How To Fix Cf_anti_malware_facade.dll Not Found

The root causes of DLL errors associated with cf_anti_malware_facade.dll include a missing or corrupt Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced DLL file, or in some cases, a malware infection. As a first troubleshootiong step, most PC professionals will attempt to replace the applicable version of the DLL file. As a supplemental troubleshooting step, we highly recommend cleaning up any invalid file path and DLL file extension references that could contribute to creating these cf_anti_malware_facade.dll error messages.

The Dynamic Link Library, known as a propriety format of System Files, most commonly carry the DLL extension. Below, you find the latest file versions for %%os%% (and other OS versions). In some cases, certain versions of cf_anti_malware_facade.dll may not currently be in our database, but they can be requested by clicking "Request" below. If you cannot find your version below, we recommend contacting Kaspersky Lab Ltd directly.

Placing this new cf_anti_malware_facade.dll file in the same location (overwriting the previous) and your issue should be resolved, but you'll want to check to be sure. Try re-opening Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced to see if the error message still appears.

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Cf_anti_malware_facade.dll File Summary
Extension: DLL
Application Type: Antivirus
Application: Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced
Software Version:
Company: Kaspersky Lab Ltd
File Name: cf_anti_malware_facade.dll  
Bytes: 295848
SHA-1: 9481ba0321858daac53ef6921cc101d3eacc969a
MD5: 30e821442e67cd4526745891f40b2b80
CRC32: 99e8e1e9



Select OS



Name MD5 KB Download
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll 30e821442e67cd4526745891f40b2b80 288.91 KB
Program Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 295848
MD5 30e821442e67cd4526745891f40b2b80
SHA1 9481ba0321858daac53ef6921cc101d3eacc969a
CRC32: 99e8e1e9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll 30e821442e67cd4526745891f40b2b80 288.91 KB
Program Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 295848
MD5 30e821442e67cd4526745891f40b2b80
SHA1 9481ba0321858daac53ef6921cc101d3eacc969a
CRC32: 99e8e1e9
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8 Enterprise x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8 Enterprise x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8.1 Pro
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Enterprise 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Enterprise x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8.1 Enterprise x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Business x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Home Premium x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Home Basic x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8.1 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8.1 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows XP SP2 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 64-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 32-bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows XP Professional x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Starter 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Home Basic 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Starter x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8 Pro x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 8 Pro x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Business 32 bit
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Ultimate x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Professional x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Home Premium x32
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows XP Home
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Professional x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows Vista
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 7 Home Basic x64
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\
+ cf_anti_malware_facade.dll f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6 267.19 KB
Program Kaspersky Anti-Virus for PCs 2014
Company Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Ver Windows 10
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 273600
MD5 f34b3926c2dc5f3949bcaf319996b4c6
SHA1 60b38d7ac688addb91b392c8cb67e6c593cf165c
CRC32: 11cb5cbe
Directory C:\Windows\System32\

Typical Cf_anti_malware_facade.dll Errors

These cf_anti_malware_facade.dll-related Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced Troubles Include:

Usually cf_anti_malware_facade.dll errors with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced happen during startup or shutdown, while cf_anti_malware_facade.dll related applications are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. Keeping track of when and where your cf_anti_malware_facade.dll error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.

Epicenters of Cf_anti_malware_facade.dll Headaches

A missing cf_anti_malware_facade.dll file (or corrupted cf_anti_malware_facade.dll file) is usually the problem source. Commonly, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced problems happen due to cf_anti_malware_facade.dll being an externally-sourced file.

Improper computer shutdowns or malware-infected cf_anti_malware_facade.dll files can cause issues with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced, leading to corrupt errors. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced then can't load with cf_anti_malware_facade.dll being corrupted, causing the cf_anti_malware_facade.dll-related errors.

Other times, cf_anti_malware_facade.dll file errors could be related to issues in the Windows registry. Broken DLL file references can prevent your DLL file from registering properly, giving you a cf_anti_malware_facade.dll error Broken keys can be caused by a missing cf_anti_malware_facade.dll, moved cf_anti_malware_facade.dll, or an errant file path reference from unsuccessful install (or uninstall) of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced.

Primarily, issues with cf_anti_malware_facade.dll produced by:

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