Commonly, corrupt or missing msnlred.dll files cause these DLL errors related to SolidWorks Real Performance. The primary way to resolve these problems manually is to replace the DLL file with a fresh copy. In addition, if your msnlred.dll error was due to a removed malware infection, we recommend running a registry scan to clean up any invalid file path references created by the malicious program.
DLL is utilized by the Dynamic Link Library format, which are types of System Files. See the table below for a list of msnlred.dll files we have available for download for most Windows versions (also including %%os%%). If we do not have a copy of your msnlred.dll version, you can simply hit the "Request" button to request a copy. Some file versions may be missing from our extensive database, and in those cases, you might need to contact Dassault Syst?mes.
Placing this new msnlred.dll file in the same location (overwriting the previous) and your issue should be resolved, but you'll want to check to be sure. Test the outcome of your replaced file by opening SolidWorks Real Performance and seeing if the error message is still being triggered.
Partial List of msnlred.dll SolidWorks Real Performance Errors:
"Msnlred.dll is missing."
"The file msnlred.dll is missing."
"Msnlred.dll Access Violation."
"Cannot register msnlred.dll."
"Cannot find C:\Windows\System32\\msnlred.dll."
"Cannot start SolidWorks Real Performance. A required component is missing: msnlred.dll. Please install SolidWorks Real Performance again."
"This application failed to start because msnlred.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
Usually msnlred.dll errors with SolidWorks Real Performance happen during startup or shutdown, while msnlred.dll related applications are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. Documenting msnlred.dll problem occasions in SolidWorks Real Performance is key to determine cause of the Design problems, and reporting them to Dassault Syst?mes.
Msnlred.dll Issue Origins
Missing or corrupt msnlred.dll files are common sources of msnlred.dll errors. As an external resource, msnlred.dll files have high likelihood of creating SolidWorks Real Performance errors.
msnlred.dll files get corrupted from malware, bad shutdowns (OS or SolidWorks Real Performance), and other msnlred.dll-involved scenarios. File corruption of msnlred.dll loads it badly, leading to SolidWorks Real Performance errors.
Additionally, msnlred.dll problems are caused by bad SolidWorks Real Performance-related references in Windows registry. Broken registry paths with msnlred.dll cause SolidWorks Real Performance issues due to improper file registration. Broken keys can be caused by a missing msnlred.dll, moved msnlred.dll, or an errant file path reference from unsuccessful install (or uninstall) of SolidWorks Real Performance.
Primarily, issues with msnlred.dll produced by:
msnlred.dll registry key corrupted.
Malware contaminated and corrupt msnlred.dll.
Dassault Syst?mes hardware failure, such as a bad hard drive, which has corrupted the msnlred.dll file.
msnlred.dll file version overwritten by install of another software.
Malicious deletion (or mistaken) of msnlred.dll by another software (not SolidWorks Real Performance).
msnlred.dll mistakenly uninstalled (or maliciously) by unrelated SolidWorks Real Performance application.