How To Fix Annoying Avptool.exe Errors [SOLVED]

In most cases, avptool.exe file problems are due to the file missing or being corrupted (malware / virus) and often seen at Kaspersky Anti-Virus program startup. If your EXE file is suffering from one of those troubles, replacing it with a fresh file should resolve the issue. In addition, if your avptool.exe error was due to a removed malware infection, we recommend running a registry scan to clean up any invalid file path references created by the malicious program.

EXE is utilized by the Windows Executable File format, which are types of Executable Files. Below, you find the latest file versions for %%os%% (and other OS versions). If your exact avptool.exe version is not currently available, please request a copy by hitting the "Request" button next to the file version you need. We also recommend contacting Kaspersky Lab Ltd directly if you cannot find your need version below.

Placing this new avptool.exe file in the same location (overwriting the previous) and your issue should be resolved, but you'll want to check to be sure. You can test the result by running Kaspersky Anti-Virus application and seeing if the issue still appears.

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avptool.exe File Summary
Type: EXE
Group: Anti Virus,anti malware,antispyware
Application: Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Created by: Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Name: avptool.exe  
Size: 330256
SHA-1: 0760636598dd17ce7975a37a613e492cb9b2bf9e
MD5: bf315ab8a18b2e52e50f0a4b02c58e93



Select OS



File ID Bytes Download
+ avptool.exe bf315ab8a18b2e52e50f0a4b02c58e93 322.52 KB
Application Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Created by Kaspersky Lab Ltd
Version Windows 7
Type 64-bit (x64)
KB 330256
MD5 bf315ab8a18b2e52e50f0a4b02c58e93
SHA1 0760636598dd17ce7975a37a613e492cb9b2bf9e
SHA256 Checksum: c6edbc00b4fc901766fccaa06a300352dc5ab806b5c721a1f0b36190faca1aa5
Directory %DESKTOP%\AVPTool\App\AVPTool

Common Avptool.exe Issues

These avptool.exe-related Kaspersky Anti-Virus Troubles Include:

Kaspersky Anti-Virus-involved avptool.exe issues happen during install, when avptool.exe-related software is running, startup or shutdown, or during the Windows installation process. Recording avptool.exe errors inside Kaspersky Anti-Virus is crucial to locate Anti Virus,anti malware,antispyware faults and relaying back to Kaspersky Lab Ltd for repair options.

Avptool.exe Problem Causes

Avptool.exe problems can be attributed to corrupt or missing files, invalid registry entries associated with Avptool.exe, or a virus / malware infection.

More specifically, these avptool.exe errors can be caused by:

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