File Extension HC

By:   |   Revised: December 07, 2024

Microsoft Partner

HC File Summary

File Extension HC has two unique file types (with the primary being the VeraCrypt Container File format) and is mostly associated with VeraCrypt (Open Source) and one other software programs. Generally, these files are considered Disk Image Files, but they can also be Developer Files.

We have found HC files on the Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. They are both mobile and desktop device friendly. The main HC file type has a Popularity Rating of "Low", meaning these files are not frequently present on your typical desktop or mobile device.

Although there is a lot more to know about HC files, those are the most important details of these types of files. If you are having trouble opening these files, or would like more detailed information, please see our comprehensive information below.


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Kinds of HC Files

  2 known file types use this extension

Principal HC Type

Category:VeraCrypt Container File

HC file is a container file created by VeraCrypt, disk encryption software. It contains a virtual encrypted disk.

Created by: Open Source
File Category:Disk Image Files
Registry Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.hc

Software Programs That Open The VeraCrypt Container File:

VeraCrypt by Open Source


Additional HC Files

Category:Header File

HC file extension is used by various source code editors for header files, a header file or include file is a file, usually in the form of source code, that is automatically included in another source file by the compiler.

Created by: Microsoft Corporation
File Category:Developer Files

Software Programs That Open Header File Files:

Microsoft Visual Studio by Microsoft Corporation

Compatible with:


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HC File Popularity

OS Popularity

7 (45.73%)
10 (44.56%)
8.1 (5.41%)
XP (2.79%)
8 (0.97%)

Sources of HC Problems

Common Problems Opening HC Files

VeraCrypt is Not Installed

When trying to open your HC file, you get the error "Can't Open HC File Type". When this happens, it is commonly due to VeraCrypt missing in %%os%%. Because your operating system doesn't know what to do with this file, you won't be able to open it by double-clicking.

Tip: If you don't have VeraCrypt installed, and you know of another program to open your HC file, you can try opening it by selecting from the programs listed under "Show Apps".

Incorrect VeraCrypt Version

In other instances, your VeraCrypt Container File file version may not be supported by your version of VeraCrypt. Visit the Open Source website to download (or purchase) the latest version of VeraCrypt. The primary cause of this problem is that your VeraCrypt Container File file was created by a different (newer) version of VeraCrypt than what's installed.

Tip: Right-clicking on your HC, then clicking "Properties" (Windows) or "Get Info" (Mac), can provide clues about your file version.

Ultimately, most of the difficulties opening HC files are due to having the wrong version of VeraCrypt installed.

Other HC File Issues

Assuming you have the right VeraCrypt version installed, other problems can prevent you from opening HC files. There can be external issues inside of %%os%% that are causing these errors when opening HCs. Problems unrelated to software:

  • Invalid HC file references in the Windows Registry (the "phonebook" of the Windows Operating System)
  • Mistaken removal of the Windows registry HC description
  • Corrupt install of VeraCrypt or other HC-related program
  • Your HC file is corrupted (issues with your VeraCrypt Container File file itself)
  • Your HC is infected with malware
  • Drivers associated with HC software need to be updated
  • Too many applications are open on your PC to load your VeraCrypt Container File file successfully

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