CT Troubleshooting
Common CT Opening Problems
Cheat Engine is Not Installed
If you attempt to load your CT file, you experience a message such as "Can't Open CT Files". Usually, this is because you do not have Cheat Engine for %%os%% installed. The OS won't know what to do with your CT file, so double-clicking to load the file doesn't work.
Tip: When you have another program installed that you know will open your CT, you can select it from the other programs listed (see "Show Apps").
Obsolete Version of Cheat Engine
Occasionally, you might have an outdated version of Cheat Engine installed that's incompatible with your Cheat Engine Cheat Table type. If you do not have the proper version Cheat Engine (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to try downloading a different version of it, or one of the other software applications listed above. The primary cause of this problem is that your Cheat Engine Cheat Table file was created by a different (newer) version of Cheat Engine than what's installed.
Tip: Investigate your CT file by right-clicking and selecting "Properties" to find clues on what version you need.
Summary: In either case, the majority of problems opening CT files are related to not having the correct software application installed on your computer.
Additional CT Opening Issues
You can still experience errors opening CT files even with the latest version of Cheat Engine installed on your PC. If you are continuing to have errors with loading CT files, other external issues might be to blame. Problems unrelated to software:
- Corrupt Windows Registry file path references for CT
- Deletion of the CT file description from the Registry by mistake
- Defective install of a CT program, such as Cheat Engine
- Your CT can't be loaded properly (file corruption)
- Your CT is infected with malware
- Hardware associated with CT has outdated drivers
- Too many applications are open on your PC to load your Cheat Engine Cheat Table file successfully
Quiz: Which file extension is the oldest in existence?
That's Correct!
The text file, or "TXT" for short, is the oldest file extension in existence. Although the exact date is unknown, it is thought to have been invented in the late-1960's.
Close, but not quite...
The text file, or "TXT" for short, is the oldest file extension in existence. Although the exact date is unknown, it is thought to have been invented in the late-1960's.